Animal Ingredients in Unani Products

At first there was the Central Council for Research in Ayurveda & Siddha. Many years later in 1995 the Department of Indian System of Medicine and Homeopathy (ISM&H) was set up. In 2003 it was renamed the Department of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH). In November 2014 it became the Ministry of AYUSH.

The Unani system of medicine based on the teachings of Hippocrates (Father of Medicine) dates back to 460 BC and basically believes in prevention of diseases. World Unani Day is observed on 11 February.

Unani drugs contain many animal origin substances although plants are also utilised.

A great number of Unani medicines are of insect origin with shellac/lac as one of the major ingredients. Other insects utilised are:
Blister beetles
Bee Venom, Beeswax & Honey
Allanton excretion
Ladybird Beetle
Live Wasp
Scorpion (Bichoo)
Cochineal Insects
Cuban & Spanish Spiders
German & Oriental Cockroaches
Yellow Locust
Colarado Bug

Other creatures utilised:
Jund bedastar: testicles of a cat species
Kharateen: earthworm soaked in saline water and dried
Sartaan: ash from burnt crab
Ambergris/Ambar: whale vomit
Mahi rubian: fish extract
Kafe dariya: cuttlefish backbone
Pigeon: blood and flesh
Musk/Kasturi: musk deer pod/organ

In addition to animal ingredients, phlebotomy is practised. Live creatures like Leeches, Wasps and Maggots are used to cure certain diseases using blood-letting for which they are made to suck blood.

Page last updated on 08/03/25