One need not be a vegan to eat vegan cuisine – without making a conscious effort people
are regularly eating it!
Vegan (pronounced vee-gn) cooking utilises no animal ingredients such as dairy, honey,
varkh and shellac.
Dietary vegans are usually “pure vegetarians” who consciously and consistently strive to
exclude products derived from or as a result of exploitation of any creature.
Note: it is easy to vegan-ise lacto-vegetarian recipes. For example, milk can be substituted with milk derived from soy beans, almonds, cashews, rice, or oats depending on the application,
ghee substituted with oil,
paneer with tofu, honey with sugar or corn syrup, and so on. Some times substitutes are not healthy (e.g. margarine in place of butter) in which case it may be better for vegans to curtail or omit consumption. However healthy nut butters and
substitutes for other traditional milk products can be bought or even made at home.
Beauty Without Cruelty is happy to present some tested and tasted, healthy and delicious
vegan recipes. Enjoy!